Quarterly Business Meeting:
This Sunday, May 21st
(Following Worship)

Save the Dates

Young Adults Night Out

We will be doing a "See You Later" party for Jarrett and Meredith this month at YANO. As always, the children will be at the church. The adults will be at the home of Don and Nancy Garland.
To register: Scan the QR code or click the link below:
Kids: Upcoming Events

Global Wildlife:
NEW: Family Night Out!

Come join us for some family fun!
Occurring monthly the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00pm.
UBC Kids Club!

Kids ages 2-11 come join us this summer for Kids' Club.
We'll have games, singing, crafts, a Bible story, and plenty of time for FUN!
Please sign up in advance so we can prepare for you. Each child is $5 per session. First and third Thursday evenings in June and July from 5-7:30 pm.
UBC Kids Club: Volunteers Needed

To Sign up to volunteer;
scan the QR code above or click the link below!
Palacios House of Arts:
Summer Camp 2023!

Summer Gathering: JUNE 11TH!

To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below!
Grief Support Group

Youth Summer Trip

International Bible Study

We've begun a new series in
Bible study called How to Read the Bible!
If you are new to the Christian faith or just want to understand the Bible more, this will be a great series of discussions! Even if you've read the Bible for years, we know you will learn something!
Join us at 9:00am in room E113 in the courtyard at UBC.
Email Eric (eric@ubc-br.org) with any questions!
Worship will be held in the CHAPEL.

Spiritual Formation Survey

To fill out the survey click the link below:
Kindness Bags!

We have kindness bags ready at the church – please pick up a few to carry with you,
and give them as you see someone who might need one!

Palacios House of Arts

Serve by Volunteering!

As UBC grows we need your help and support! Consider one of the many volunteer options above to lend your time and leadership back into UBC!
We are so appreciative of our volunteers!
How To Give
Prayer Web
