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The Window: August 3, 2023

Updated: Aug 7, 2023


Pastor Installation & Celebration!

On the morning of August 6, UBC will hold a

special worship service and fellowship lunch

celebrating the installation of Jon and Tanya Parks

as our Co-Pastors. Please make plans to join us,

and look for upcoming announcements about ways

you can be a part of this special day!

That day, we're asking all UBC members and friends

to contribute to two special projects:

BLESSING - We're asking everyone to write a prayer or message of blessing for Jon and Tanya as they begin this new calling. We will collect and present them on that Sunday morning.

VISION - We're also asking each person to write at least one hope, vision or prayer for UBC as we begin this new chapter of our congregation's life. We'll combine these into a physical display that we'll add to in the following weeks of August.

Please give some thought to what you'll write for

these two projects. If you’ll be present on August 6, come ready to write your blessing and vision – we’ll

give you time in the Spiritual Formation Hour and

before worship to write them.

If you can’t be present on August 6,

please send your blessings and vision

by email to so we

can include them in the day's events.



Barnabas Project Partners


Blessings of the Backpack!

Children and youth, bring your backpack to worship on Sunday August 13th for a time of blessing over your school year.


Youth Dinner!

If you have questions, email Eric at


Quarterly Business Meeting!


Save The Dates!


Now Open: Family Tree Café


Technical Volunteers Needed

You may not realize it, but a lot of work goes on behind the scenes each week to make worship happen! We are looking for volunteers who can offer at least one Sunday morning each week to help with the technical aspects of worship, including:

• Running the audio board

• Overseeing the slides for worship songs, responses, etc

• Panning and focusing the camera as necessary

• Helping oversee and troubleshoot the worship streaming to YouTube

No special skills or experience are necessary - we'll teach you everything

you need to know! We'd like to start a rotation schedule in

August that will help us know how to plan for Sundays.


Disaster Recovery and Response

Disaster Response and Recovery - Are you interested in being part of our congregation's assistance in responding and recovering from disasters? Here are two opportunities:

• We are developing a partnership with the community of Rolling Fork, MS as they are still in recovery from recent tornadoes. We'd like to take a trip there this fall to help - no specific date yet, we can set dates depending on our schedules.

• We are also recruiting members who are interested in general response to an event - whether something happens on our campus, or in the community. This can include physical help with cleanup, working at shelters, distribution and/or feeding stations, or offering general assistance to those affected. Many different trainings are available depending on your interest!


Fall Soccer Academy:

Early Registration OPEN!

To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below!



MDO: We're Hiring!


MDO: We're Hiring!





Worship will be held in the Sanctuary.

Spiritual Formation

Special Project This Week

Thank you for joining us for our combined summer session! We are back to our normal routine this Sunday August 6.

During the Sunday School hour this week, each class will have an opportunity to write brief words of encouragement and blessing for Jon and Tanya, and for UBC, that will be used during Jon and Tanya’s installation service at 10:30am. This should only take 5-10 minutes of your time. Please plan to be in Sunday School this week, and join us for worship if you haven’t in a while! We will also have a celebratory lunch after!

If you are not able to attend either Sunday School or worship this week, please come by the office to write a note (we have supplies available). We will include these in worship for you. If you have questions, email Eric at


Kindness Bags!

We still have lot of bags – please pick up a few to carry with you,

and give them as you see someone who might need one!




Palacios House of Arts


How To Give


Prayer Web



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