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Ministry Project in Lake Providence with CBF Together for Hope

Updated: Apr 4, 2019

We are raised in a culture of results. Simply put, we want to see the fruits of our labor.

Yet, the work of the church is often the simple part of a larger system of dynamic development within our community, state, and world.

One of those essential parts of the larger system is the work of encouragement and presence. It is no small thing to bolster someone’s soul through affirmation.

On May 3 or 4, you are invited to be part of the simply profound act of encouragement and presence to our partnership with CBF Louisiana’s Together for Hope initiative in Lake Providence.

Among the 20 counties that emerged from a 1995 census study that found the highest percentages of their total population living below the nationally established poverty line, East Carroll Parish was ranked as the second poorest county in the nation.

You are invited to choose from a one or two day missions event, Friday and/or Saturday.

The potential projects will be done at the Mission House, a Community College, Parks, and an Elementary School. You will have the opportunity to see first-hand your Together for Hope ministry, help make a difference, and be a blessing.

If you are available and willing to help, please contact Andy ( by April 26. The hope is for a group from UBC to travel together. Overnight accommodations and meals will be provided for the team.


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