“The Spirit of God’s goodness, rightness, beauty, and aliveness, Jesus said, is always moving. Like wind, like breath, like water, the Spirit is in motion, inviting us to enter the current and flow,” writes Brian D. McLaren.
I don’t know about you, but Sunday’s Gathering was a beautiful expression of the Spirit of God working in our faith community. Listening in on most of the team conversations, along with the team reports, has brought me immense encouragement.
Twelve specially focused teams are leading our faith community in the great migration of discernment, discovering how we might expand our capacity to love our neighbors, grow in our journey with Jesus, and develop our understanding of worship.
As I stated on Sunday, we encourage your teams to settle into the beautiful messiness of discernment. Building upon small tangibles, consider resources to develop your more significant tangible objectives. Know that you are empowered to take action, letting the pastoral staff support, resource, and coach your teams. Take a chance, because it is okay to fail. In failing, we learn to pick ourselves up and try a new.
McLaren goes on to write, “The problem is that we all too often stop moving. We resist the flow. We get stuck…And yet the linking of action and contemplation, great work and deep spirituality, keep goodness, rightness, beauty, and aliveness flowing.”
Thank you for your faith in this process and your willingness to follow the Spirit’s leadership. Also, thank you for bringing your best self to UBC.
February 9th is right around the corner. We hope you will join the free luncheon after worship with continued conversations for each team. If you have been unable to join the process, please contact me (andy@ubc-br.org). I’d love to connect you to an SGI team.