Strategic Growth Initiative’s Expansion of Caring for Young Families
The Mother’s Day Out program is one of the marquee ministries of UBC. It is self-sustaining, financially sound, and one of the most effective ways to connect with families.
To cultivate a broader reach to families, better connectivity between MDO families and UBC, financial aid to families in need, and to provide financial resources for UBC, we will begin formalizing a process of expanding the MDO.
While the expansion of the MDO could provide strategic financial revenue for UBC’s ministry, the primary reason for this initiative will be to enhance the connectivity between MDO families and University Baptist Church.
One strategic step in this direction has already taken place in 2018-2019 with the development of the Minster of Children and Young Families charge to provide pastoral care to the MDO. This connection will be improved and leveraged for better effectiveness.
Additionally, there is an informal system of connecting MDO families and staff to UBC events, such as the Fall Gathering, Live Nativity, Spring Gathering, and Soccer Academy.
Nevertheless, the Strategic Growth Team, along with the MDO Board, should begin considering better ways to care for families and staff as it pertains to inviting them into the various facets of UBC. While some MDO families and staff are already committed to local churches; many are unchurched or de-churched (previous church attendees), and they are in need of the love of Christ.
Part of this SGI will be to study daycare rates, hours of operation, payment options, classroom expansion, and financial planning.
Get Connected with the Strategic Growth Initiative
The Strategic Growth Initiative (SGI) is an invitation into a tremendous conversation about who we are, why we do what we do, and how we might experience exponential growth. Conversations will lead to brainstorming, testing of ideas, discernment of God’s leadership, and maneuvering to step into new practices.
Each member of UBC, whether the newest among us or tenured, has something to bring to the conversation. Will you join the conversation?
Get connected with the SGI by downloading an overview of the initiative from www.ubc-br.org/sgi or pick a copy at the narthex. A revised version of the SGI is available, so please grab the copy of the latest version.
On September 22nd, UBC will host a church-wide gathering, at which we will focus on casting a vision for the initiative and have first meetings of various SGI teams.