Youth and Children’s Ministry Outing

Pack your jacket! UBC Youth ministry and Children's ministry (kindergarders and older) will be going to Planet Ice skating rink in Lafayette, Louisiana. We will be leaving after worship and arrive around 1:30pm. Transportation for youth will be provided by ministerial staff, while transportation for the children will be provided by their families. We advise families to pack a small snack on the way to the skating rink as we will have dinner after skating at Delano's Pizza Bertrand.
To sign up, click the link below:
Barnabas Project Partners

Office Closure - Mardi Gras Holiday

Retirees' Luncheon

Ash Wednesday Worship

Young Adults Night Out

To sign up to volunteer; scan the QR Code or click the link below.
Quarterly Business Meeting

UBC - Blood Drive

Please Scan the QR code or click the link below to
make an appointment to your specific drive.
The Donor Pass link below is the best way to
pre-register. This saves time on the day of the drive.
Our goal is 10 units!
Spiritual Formation - LENT

Spring Soccer Academy 2024

To sign up to volunteer; scan the QR Code or click the link below.
English Conversation Meals

Family Tree Café

Do you have a Sunday School class?
If not, we would love to get you connected!
If you have any questions, email Eric at eric@ubc-br.org
or call the church office (225-766-9474).
Worship will be held in the CHAPEL.

Prayer Web

How To Give
