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The Window: November 3, 2022

Updated: Nov 4, 2022



I think you’ll agree with me that our Fall Gathering on Sunday was a great success!  We had great attendance from the community, and fantastic participation by UBC folks – it took all of us working together to make things happen. 

Here are some unofficial numbers:

·         An estimated 150 total people were present at the gathering.

·         We had 12 chili cookoff contestants, who made some fantastic (and a couple of fantastically spicy) pots of chili.  Congratulations to Ben Giamalva who won first place in the cookoff with 27 votes!

·         About 50 volunteers worked together to set up, coordinate children’s activities, cook food, decorate cars, and clean up when all was done.

·         Together with registrations, ticket sales and other donations, we raised $800 to contribute to Open Air Ministries.

The numbers only tell part of the story – no one can count the number of laughs, smiles and deep conversations that make up the true story of the Fall Gathering.  This annual event is such a vital part of what UBC is all about – being together, serving the community, and having fun while we do it. 

So on behalf of the staff, organizers and many community members who enjoyed the event - THANK YOU for all you did to make the 2022 Fall Gathering such a success!

 - Jon


Partnership with Hansarang

Korean Congregation

Maybe you’ve noticed some new faces and signs around campus in the last few weeks… The Hansarang Korean Church has begun meeting on our campus on Sunday afternoons.  This congregation, founded in 2008, was previously meeting in another church campus on the east edge of the city. 

After several weeks of conversations, the Space Partnership Team came to an agreement with Pastor Kiseong Lee and his leadership team.  They began worship in our Chapel building on the first Sunday in October.

This new partnership is a blessing to UBC – our beautiful facilities can be utilized by yet another group focused on building God’s kingdom.  Plus, it gives us an opportunity to do some much-needed cleanup and minor renovations to our chapel building.

So if you see pastor Kiseong Lee or any of the Hansarang congregation around UBC, please offer them a warm welcome to our campus!



UBC 75th Anniversary

Please save the date for UBC’s 75th Anniversary!

Please extend this invitation to past members

or anyone whom you feel would like to celebrate this wonderful occasion.

For more information,

please contact Jon Parks at


Faith, Community, & Justice Connect Group



Barnabas Project Partners: November 6th

Retirees' Luncheon: November 9th

Retirees' Outing: November 15th

Young Adults Night Out: November 18th

Volunteer as a Reading Friend!

Our ongoing partnership with Highland Elementary

is a unique and special relationship!

We are looking for volunteers willing to share time as a Reading Friend.

For 30-45 minutes each week, you can invest in the life of an elementary-aged student by reading with them. Organized through Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS), this established program has made a difference in the lives of students all over the city-parish... simply by spending intentional time sitting with a child to encourage and read together.

Can you be a Reading Friend?

Contact the church office and we'll help you get started!



Kids Outing: November 13th

Upcoming Events

Spiritual Formation

Children ages Kindergarten to fifth grade - come join us during Spiritual Formation hour for a time of learning and fun. We will be studying the story of the Israelites and learning about how their story might connect to ours.

We hope you will join us!




Please contact for more information.



Women's Bible Study:

October 4th - November 15th

Join us for our New Women’s Bible Study starting Tuesday Morning, October 4th beginning at 9:30am in the Chapel. This group will be held October 4th through November 15th. We will be studying, How Much More by Lisa Harper.

We hope you’ll join us for our Women’s Bible Study Group!

2022-2023 Spiritual Formation Offerings

In addition to your Sunday school class, we are offering several seasonal groups for spiritual formation and discussion at UBC this year. Our first group, Faith After Doubt, kicks off on September 13, but plan to join us for these others as well!

  • Faith After Doubt - Tuesdays starting on September 13th.

  • The Kingdom of God, Empire, and Christian Nationalism - 4-week Advent series.

  • Prayer in a Busy World - 6-week Lenten series.

  • Optional Combined Sunday School (TBD) - 8-weeks in the summer, led by the ministry staff.

If you have questions or are interested in any of these groups,

send an email to Eric at, or call the church office at (225) 766-9474.



Finance Committee

Quarterly Meeting


Service will be held in the SANCTUARY

Contact for more information



Save The Dates

Governing Board: Updates & Changes

Highland Elementary:

Thanksgiving Meal Project

Help us with our annual Highland Thanksgiving Meal Project. UBC will provide families with meal kits to create lasting memories by making a meal together on Thanksgiving. We will be offering two kits this year. The first will include a turkey and fixings. The other will be for our Hispanic families and will have a meal appropriate in their culture.We will also be looking for volunteers to hand out, deliver, and assemble.

More information on this to follow!

Donations: Prison Ministry




Palacios House of Arts


Volunteer with UBC

As UBC grows we need your help and support! Consider one of the many volunteer options above to lend your time and leadership back into UBC!

We are so appreciative of our volunteers!


How To Give


Prayer Web


Keep in Your Prayers



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