Have you ever considered that UBC’s greatest assets are you, the people of this faith community? Seriously consider the depth, giftedness, hospitality, and love of this community.
Our family has overwhelmingly experienced it in the nearly five months we have been a part of this community. Your care for us is a microcosm of this church’s DNA.
I’m reminded of words from the Rule of St. Benedict, “Hospitality is the way we come out of ourselves. It is the first step toward dismantling the barriers of the world. Hospitality is the way we turn a prejudiced world around, one heart at a time.”
We are a growing faith community. What matters more than ever in this time of meeting new friends is to be vigilant and radical with our hospitality.
It is all too easy to think that someone else can step in to serve and lead. However, it takes all of us to welcome others with sincerity, authenticity, and love. In short, yes, you matter.
As you consider posturing yourself to welcome new faces to our campus, Connect Groups, or other ministry endeavors, I invite you to bring your best self to each person you encounter. Be open to new conversations. Be prepared to make connections from a new person to an old friend in UBC. Touch with care and be ready to follow up with grace.
As a way to equip you for hospitality, we invite you to stop by the office and take a $5 gift card from Lighthouse Coffee to take a guest or an acquaintance of UBC out for a cup of coffee. Our treat for your willingness to be the presence of Jesus in Baton Rouge.