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August 23: Sunday Experience Initiative (SEI), Part 4: Kids Check-In

As we encounter new families at UBC, we need to think intentionally about how we are encountering them. The security of children and students on Sunday mornings should be a priority. The facility is set up in such a way that it allows us to make the experience more secure.

First, we are creating an official check-in location for children. This will take place right inside the MDO entrance.

Utilizing a digital check-in tool, parents and children will be printed match tags. The parents will enter the child’s name, age, parent’s name, and phone number for emergencies. The check-in process will take less than a minute.

Children attending Sunday School regularly will take less than 20 seconds to check-in.

The key to the check-in process is that it will be a set time each Sunday. Once the time has passed, the MDO/Education building doors will lock. Late arrivals can buzz the door to be let in. This will ensure no unwanted guests in the children’s area.

Parents with first graders and older, your child will be brought to the Fellowship Hall for the new Coffee & Community time.

The check-in system will be managed by current volunteers and paid staff on a rotating basis.

Expect to see the new check-in system by September.

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