After a successful preview in the spring, the UBC Soccer Academy will embark on a 6-week experience in September.
Before we get to the logistics of the Academy, it is important that we talk about why we are offering the academy.
If you have taken even the shortest of drives around the neighborhood, then you would have noticed that the community around UBC is generationally gentrifying towards younger couples and families. Like most families, parents are looking for healthy and well run programs to introduce their children to sports and arts.
When we compound this with the change on how people relate to the church, then we must discover new ways to connect with families, care for them, and introduce them to our vibrant faith community.
The Academy, while it is offering a wonderful soccer program for children, is a unique opportunity for us to build authentic community with young families, care for their children, and invite them to be a part of UBC.
To make this Academy a reality, we must not depend on staff and our young families alone. We need your help with a variety of opportunities: signing up to set-up, check-in players (check players off roster and provide name tag), water station (set-up and provide water to players), hosting a care table for parents (provide cold coffee, water, and other items for parents), coaches (run activities and manage games), field assistants (guide groups to each activity station), or care for the playing field (simple lawn maintenance, fire ant disposal, and etc.). All of these opportunities do not require a six-week commitment. Sign up to help with one or two Saturdays, a 30 to 90-minute commitment, or for one of the weekday opportunities.
Please go to http://bit.ly/UBCSAvolunteer to sign up.
You can also promote the academy by providing marketing material to friends, family, colleagues, and co-workers. Pick up some of the printed material around UBC’s campus or share the academy’s material via email and/or social media posts.