You are invited to forge deeper connections through the UBC’s Summer Gatherings and Kids Club. This year’s Gatherings will feature several activities, such as learning technology, jam sessions, art, cooking and topical conversation groups.
Out of an abundance of caution, the June 28th Gathering will only be offered online via Zoom.
We will evaluate in-person Gatherings & Kids Club for July 26 and August 30.
Kids Club Logistics
Families participating will be able to pick up Kids Club materials on Sunday, June 21 in the children’s area, or at the main office on June 22-25th.
Kids will join Zoom at 4:30 pm, using the Mtg ID 516 969 4578, and the password "ubc". You can also click on this direct link (click here).
Gathering Logistics
Participants should join the general Zoom Meeting at 4:30 pm. After a time of welcome and instructs, participants will be sent into various Zoom Rooms to participate in the activity of their choice.
Once the activity ends, participants are free to jump off the Zoom meeting.
To join the gathering at 4:30 pm, use the Mtg ID 923 023 2464, and enter the password "ubc". You can also click on this direct link (click here).
Activity Options
Following the welcome and instructions, participants will choose from one of the following activities and be sent into a connected Zoom Room (sub-meeting space within Zoom):
Learning Technology, led by Ron Perritt
Jam Session, led by Justin Langford
Art, led by Lauren Clinard (supplies should be picked up at the church by June 28 at 12 pm)
Cooking Honduran Tacos, led by Omar and Celeste
Conversation Group about Racism in America, led by Glenn Linzer and Russ Futrell
Conversation Group about the Dynamics of Communication within a Relationship, led by Andy Hale
Signup for June’s Gathering & Kids Club
Registration is strongly encouraged to help staff and volunteers plan accordingly. We encourage you to sign up and invite friends.