The Pane: Support the Ecuador Mission Team at the February 6th Fundraiser Luncheon
UBC will send over 40 team members to Ecuador for an 8-day mission immersion in July. While 13 of these participants are from First Baptist Church of Clayton, North Carolina, the rest of the team is comprised of the young and the wise of our faith community.
Our time in Ecuador will be filled with installing water filtration systems, providing thousands of people with safe water in their remote communities, educating children, hosting medical and hygiene clinics, and learning from our Ecuadorian neighbors.
For each person to travel to Ecuador, it cost around $1,200. For the team to complete all the ministry projects, it cost approximately $9,000.
While not all UBC members can go with us to Ecuador, each person can do their part in helping make the mission immersion a reality. You can do this by attending the February 6th Fundraiser Luncheon.
In addition to an Ecuadorian-style meal being served, along with some kid-friendly options, there will also be a silent auction with various local business-related items and unique experiences.
You are invited to come with an open heart and generous spirit, donating towards the Ecuador partnership.
We also encourage you to invite friends and family to attend. Let’s have a tremendous turnout, helping make the work in Ecuador a reality.
Missions Sunday, January 30
UBC will worship on January 30 by loving our neighbor by engaging in several missional projects around our community. The projects will be designed to incorporate all ages and abilities within UBC, providing an authentic way to meet the needs of our neighbors and create space for intergenerational connections.
If you are interested in helping plan or lead one of the missional projects, please contact Andy by phone or email (
Temporary Personnel Change
Beginning January 21, Justin Langford will take an academic six-week leave of absence to finalize his doctoral program. During this time, Jon Parks will serve as the interim Minister of Worship, providing leadership to the choir and worship. In addition, Kimberly Fritz will serve as the interim Intern of Students and Young Adults, assisting Eric Fulcher. Please reach out to the Personnel Committee and the Senior Pastor if you have any questions.
Collecting Items for Kindness Bags
You can donate items for the Kindness Bags initiative in January, part of our January 30th Mission Sunday. These are food and hygiene bags you can put in your car to give to those in need.
For more information, click on the image above.
Save the Date for the Ecuador Fundraiser on February 6th
The Ecuador Mission Team will host a fundraiser meal on Sunday, February 6, along with a silent auction. Circle, highlight, and hold this date on your calendar to help raise support for the 2022 Ecuador Mission Immersion.
Ecuador Support Project
All contributions should be labeled “Ecuador Support Project.” You can also donate online by clicking on the image above.
Silent Auction Luncheon February 6th
UBC is hosting a silent auction and luncheon on Sunday February 6th to raise funds for the Ecuador Mission trip in July. We are asking your assistance in procuring items for the auction. If you could ask for items or gift certificates from your employer, friends or family, it would be greatly appreciated. Gift certificates for spas, restaurants, grocery stores or any other retail establishment would be great. We are not limited to these type of items and would welcome art work, LSU merchandise, personal services or other items that people would be willing to bid on. To donate items or services contact Herb Bennett,, 225-317-5898.
UBC Stained-Glass Christmas Ornaments
For informant how to purchase your ornament, click the image above.
Soccer Academy Regular Registration Ends February 7
For more information about the Soccer Academy and to register, click on the image above.
Soccer Academy Volunteers Wanted
UBC's Soccer Academy returns in February. We need 12 different volunteers each Saturday to make the Academy function.
Sign up to help for one or as many Saturdays as you can. Volunteers can sign up here for set-up, player check-in, group guiding, coaching, snack distribution, and participant care:
Little-Big Things Question of the Week
During our upcoming “The Little-Things” series, Sunday School and Spiritual Formation classes are invited to engage in a weekly dialogue about how their small group can help UBC thrive by living out these expressions: Spirit-Led, Formation, Relationships, Volunteering, Intergenerational Connections, Missions, and Holy Imagination.
The hope is that your group will center the brief conversation on practical and tangible goals for your specific group.
Thursday Prayer Group is Back!
The group meets every Thursday over Zoom at 12:30pm. We will be reading The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J.M. Nouwen.
Join us on Zoom.
Zoom ID: 570-645-5793
Password: ubc
We Need Your Help as Our Church Grows
As out church continues to grow, we need your help. Consider volunteering for one of the above.
Choir is Back
The choir is back! We are currently rehearsing Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Music Suite. All are welcome. Previous experience not required. Safety precautions include masks and distancing. Join us! Contact for more information.
Worship in the Chapel this Sunday
Contact for more information.
Spiritual Formation Series
Please bring your children to join us for our current Spiritual Formation Series, “God’s Story for You and Me.” The series takes place in the Children’s Branch during Sunday school.
Save The Dates
How To Give
Mask Policy Update
Click on the image above to review our updated mask policy.