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The Window: July 8, 2021

The Pane: It’s All Connected to Thriving

What are your thoughts on puzzles? I will buy a challenging puzzle with high hopes of completing it.

What I love most about a puzzle is not necessarily completing it but the beauty of how each tiny piece is intricately connected to others.

Have you ever considered that the thriving of a church results from intricately connected pieces that are eagerly placed together?

The difference between thriving and languishing is whether or not people see and engage the purpose behind why the church does what it does. Moreover, the difference between thriving and languishing is whether or not each church member considers the importance of themselves as part of the congregation.

Have you ever nearly finished a puzzle only to find a piece or two missing?

Each of us has a part to play in the thriving of University Baptist Church. Each one of us can bring our piece of the puzzle, helping build a complete picture of what God desires for us.

Sometimes the piece we need to add to the puzzle is merely letting others know that you will attend a Gathering because we realize that this two-hour event can build stronger relationships and trust that leads to the development of an authentic community.

Sometimes the piece we need to add is sharing one Friday per month to care for UBC kids because we realize that creating a space for Young Adults to build relationships will spark outreach and evangelism, leading to the growth of our church.

Sometimes the piece we need to add to the puzzle is greeting merely letting others know that you will attend a Gathering because we realize that this two-hour event can build stronger relationships and trust that leads to the development of an authentic community.

Sometimes the piece we need to add is sharing one Friday per month to care for UBC kids because we realize that creating a space for Young Adults to build relationships will spark outreach and evangelism, leading to the growth of our church.

Sometimes the piece we need to add to the puzzle is greeting others as they arrive on Sundays with hospitality and love because we realize that the first experience of a guest will determine their return and the church's subsequent growth.

Everything that we do as a church has a purpose. Our willingness to add our piece to the puzzle will determine our capacity for thriving.

Summer Gathering & Kids Club, July 11

Join our first Summer Gathering and Kids Club on July 11th at 4:00 pm.

Kids, ages infant through 5th grade, will enjoy activities, crafts, games, lessons, and dinner. Drop off will occur at the Children’s Branch entrance. Register here by July 8th.

Adults can pick one of the following activities: art, beginners’ yoga, board games, or cooking. A dessert social will wrap up the event at 6:00 pm. Please sign up for one of the activities by clicking on this link or calling the office:

The Summer Gatherings are intended to be a time to build stronger connections within and through UBC. We hope you will not only participate but invite others to join you.

Welcome Tanya Parks by Signing Up for a Care Week

We want you to be a part of welcoming the Parks family to South Louisiana with hospitality and care. You are invited to sign up for one of ten care weeks. This is an opportunity to bring a meal or care package to the Parks family. You are encouraged to approach this with your unique personality and giftedness.

Each week has two spots available to allow more members to share hospitality. Sign up for a care week by clicking on this link or calling the office:

Senior Luncheon with Tanya, July 14

Noon Summer Book Club, Next Meeting is July 8th

Join our Noon Summer Book Club for a bi-weekly conversation about Jemar Tisby’s new book, “How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice,” continues on July 8th. Please read pages 107-140 before meeting.

The group will meet in-person and online in the Fellowship Hall on the Second and Fourth Thursday of June, July, and August.

Purchase the book on Amazon in digital, audio, and hardback editions.

For those joining via Zoom, use the Mtg ID: 314 698 8114.

Please contact Andy via email ( or phone (225.766.9474) if you plan to join.

Audacious Series Daily Prayer

This Week’s Prayer is one of: Restoration

Prayer written by Martin Luther.

Behold, Lord, An empty vessel that needs to be filled.

My Lord, fill it. I am weak in faith;

Strengthen thou me. I am cold in love;

Warm me and make me fervent That my love may go out to my neighbor.

I do not have a strong and firm faith;

At times I doubt and am unable to trust thee altogether.

O Lord, help me. Strengthen my faith and trust in thee.

In thee I have sealed the treasures of all I have. I am poor;

Thou art rich and didst come to be merciful to the poor.

I am a sinner;

Thou art upright. With me there is an abundance of sin;

In thee is the fullness of righteousness.

Therefore, I will remain with thee of who I can receive

But to whom I may not give. Amen.

Sunday School Classes Can Return to Regular Rooms

Many Sunday school classes have already returned to their regular rooms on campus. If you haven't, your regular room is available for you, with the following exceptions:

Lydia Class will meet in Room F107 in the Fellowship Hall

Happiness Class is currently in transition. Two classes you may want to check out are the Hope Class led by Renee Rodi (Room F110 in the Fellowship Hall) and the Lydia Class led by Dawn Ryan (Room F107 in the Fellowship Hall)

Please let us know if you have questions as we continue to adjust to our new normal!

Why Sunday School & Spiritual Formation Groups? A Weekly Dialogue

One of the successes we celebrate about UBC is the health of our Sunday School and Spiritual Formation Groups. We’d like to explore why.

Each week, we ask these groups to spend five minutes at the beginning of their meeting to discuss a provided question. Insight from the group’s discussion can be sent to Andy ( and Eric (

July 11: One of the common strengths of our existing groups is formation. Formation is the ongoing process of becoming more like Jesus.

What examples of formation can we identify in our group? How do those examples help us become more like Jesus?

We Need Your Help

As we step into this new normal, we need your help. Consider volunteering for one of the following:

  • Greet one Sunday per month before Sunday School or Worship: a 20-minute commitment once per month

  • Assist with children one Sunday per month: a 1.5-hour commitment once per month

  • Learn to run the worship cameras one Sunday per month: a 1-hour commitment once per month

  • Join the Care Team in creating a welcome environment on Sundays: a 1-hour commitment once per month

  • Help with childcare one Friday per month as we rebuild our young adult ministry: a 2.5-hour commitment once per month

  • Participate in an upcoming Gathering: a 2-hour commitment once per month

  • Teach toddlers or children once per month: a 1.5-hour commitment once per month

  • Invite a friend to join you for worship or at UBC event: a 10-minute commitment

  • Join the Retiree Team in creating opportunities for connections: a 1-hour commitment once per month

  • Join the Connect Group Team in creating like-interest opportunities: a 1-hour commitment once per month

To Get connected, please reach out to Andy at or 225-766-9474.

Help With Sunday Worship Stream Quality

Volunteers can help with many different aspects of the project including planning equipment, software, and workflow upgrades; equipment installation; running a camera; or just being part of a rotation that monitors the soundboard or keynote during worship on Sundays.

Prior experience in video production, live sound, or social media is welcome, but not required. We are willing to provide training, if needed. To volunteer, please contact Justin (


Young Adults Night Out, July 16th, 5:30 PM

Join our Young Adults Night Out on the third Friday, 5:30-8:00 pm. This month, we will meet on July 16th.

The group will gather at a local restaurant for dining. Realizing not everyone can arrive by 5:30 pm, plan on joining the group as you are able. If you have kids, you can drop them off at the church, beginning at 5:15 pm, for dinner and activities for $10 for the first child and $5 for each additional child.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, July 13th here: The restaurant location will be texted to you.

Musicians Ice Cream Social

Join Bob and Kay Hawthorne at their house on Saturday, July 24th at 3:00 p.m. for music and ice cream. No RSVP necessary.

Sunday Name Tag Project

Get to know new and unfamiliar faces on Sundays by picking up a name tag as you enter the worship space. The name tags will be in the Narthex center table. Write your name and answer each week’s conversation starter question.

Soccer Academy Early-Bird Registration Opens July 6th

We are excited to announce the return of UBC's Soccer Academy for six one-hour sessions in September and October for children ages three to ten years old.

Early Bird Registration opens on July 6 with savings through August 2nd.

The six-week academy begins on Saturday, September 18. The academy dates are September 18, 25, October 2, 9, 16, and 23.

Instead of trying to schedule your entire week around scattered soccer practices and games, especially if you have more than one kid playing, register your kid(s) for a series of 1-hour sessions on Saturdays for six weeks. Your child will learn the fundamentals of soccer through fun activities and a scrimmage at the end of each session, all in the comfort of one hour per Saturday for six weeks.

Ecuador Mission Trip Exploratory Meeting

UBC is heading back to Ecuador in 2022 for a one-week mission immersion.

If you are interested in joining the team, please join the July 25th Exploratory Meeting in the Heritage Room after worship. We will discuss the trip details, the types of ministries involved, requirements for the trip, and costs.

If you cannot join in person, you can join via Zoom, using the Mtg ID: 314 698 8114.

HOPE Grief Support Groups


Youth Summer Event Schedule

For more information, contact Eric at or visit



Return to Chapel for Worship

On Sunday July 11 at 10:30am, we will return to the Chapel for worship in-person! We will not have an online option, so we encourage you to come at 10:30am to worship with us! If you have not received the COVID-19 vaccine, we ask that you PLEASE wear a mask!

After worship at 11:45am, we will have a Fellowship Meal in the Fellowship Hall, with a box lunch for you from Jason's Deli. Please send an email to to register for your meal!

We are so looking forward to seeing you back in person!


Save The Dates

New Mask Policy

On May 14, Governor Edwards announced that Louisiana would fully adopt the CDC mask guidelines for fully vaccinated individuals. Those guidelines state that you are no longer required to wear a mask in indoor or outdoor public spaces if you have been vaccinated. If you have not been vaccinated, you are encouraged to continue to wear a mask to protect yourself and others.

Therefore, if you have been vaccinated, we would like to give you the option to choose whether you wear a mask when attending activities on UBC's campus.


For those working with children and for children under the age of eligibility for vaccinations, mask-wearing will be required.

We recognize that we are all in different places and will take a different timeline in removing masks in shared spaces. If you feel more comfortable continuing to wear a mask, please feel free to do so. We respect your choice. 

Return of the Normal Sunday Schedule

At the beginning of the pandemic, the Sunday School and Spiritual Formation start time changed to 9:15 am to allow for less time for excessive contact before worship.

On Sunday, June 20th, we will return to a 9:00 am start time for our Spiritual Formation and Sunday School groups and bring back the 10:00 am Coffee & Community time in the Heritage Room.

Sunday participants are encouraged to pick up a coffee and treat while utilizing the Heritage Room, Narthex, Sanctuary, and Courtyard for conversations during Coffee & Community.

How To Give


How to Live Stream Worship

To view Live Stream worship click on the links below:


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