The Pane: Space Partnerships

Acclaimed naturalist and biologist Charles Darwin wrote, "It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) that those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed."
Historically, our church has opened its doors to a variety of community engagement, whether it be the HOA meeting of University Acres, the weekly gathering of Narcotic Anonymous, or remote learning of LSU students and professors.
Over the last three years, UBC has navigated a conversation about creating stronger connections within our community by sharing our space. The Governing Board established the Space Usage Team to survey the congregational stakeholders on space needs, study space usage, and explore what it would look like to leverage our abundance campus to build a collaborative partnership.
Through the hard work of Cammie Davis, Leslie Kilpatrick, Aaron Biggers, and Kim Dunaway, and with the support of the Governing Board, the Space Usage Team has developed a comprehensive approach to building sustainable partnerships with the community through the sharing of our space and property to its fullest potential.
There are two types of space partnership: 1) One-Time Events, 2) Ongoing. A one-time event partner is a group that uses our facilities for a special event once. An ongoing partnership is a group that weekly or monthly uses our spaces for recurring opportunities.
The team has created a clarified list of space available for rent, a vetting process for potential space partners, and a fair schedule of fees. Every potential partner must apply, go through the approval process with the Space Usage Team, and pass a background check. In other words, every potential space partner will go through a fair and rigorous approach to ensure they are a good fit for UBC and our existing ministries.
The funds generated from the space partnership directly benefit the upkeep of our aging facilities and support the church's ministry budget.
The team will be implementing a marketing strategy to boost our reach and capacity for healthy partnerships in the coming weeks.
While the vetting process, schedule of fees, and categories of partnerships have officially launched, we have not publicly marketed the opportunity to the community. Nevertheless, the last six months has seen an increase of word of mouth recommendations that have come in the form of the LSU choir renting the sanctuary for ongoing practices, a weekly expecting moms fitness class, the weekly usage of the sports field by four sports teams, a monthly meeting of a mother’s grief-share group, the weekly meeting of a homeschool enrichment group, the weekly meeting of an LSU tai chi group lesson, and the daily meeting of the Palacios House of Art enrichment classes.
Check out the Space Partnership page at www.ubc-br.org/space-partnerships.
May we celebrate the excellent work of the many hands that helped bring us to this place. May we turn to prayer that God will open our hearts and facilities to develop incarnational opportunities to love our community.
Hurricane Ida Collection
We are collecting items for disaster relief efforts in Houma. If you are able to bring any of the following items to the church office. For information on what to bring, click on the image above.
We Need Your Help as Our Church Grows
As out church continues to grow, we need your help. Consider volunteering for one of the above.
Young Adults Night Out
Join our Young Adults Night Out on the third Friday, 5:30-8:00 pm. This month, we will meet on September 17th.
For more information and to register, click on the image above.
Grand Re-Opening of the Family Tree Café

After months of closure, the Family Tree Café will reopen on October 3rd with a creative redesign. The look and feel of the Café have dramatically changed with the same goal of connecting with parents/caregivers and young children through play, coffee, and community. Spread the word to those who have children ages birth to five years old. The Café is open Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Learn more at www.ubc-br.org/FTC.
Fall Registration for Palacios House of Arts’ Tiny Tots Class is Now Open!
Palacios is a space partner with UBC, utilizing the second floor of the education building 10 hours per week.
For more information, contact Palacios House of Arts at either (813)454-2127 or (225)279-6666, or visit palaciosarts.squarespace.com
UBC Hosts CBF’s Executive Coordinator Paul Baxley on September 19

UBC will host the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Executive Coordinator, Rev. Dr. Paul Baxley, on September 19th.
We invite you and your Spiritual Formation/Sunday School class to join a special session with Paul at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall and also via Zoom.
Zoom Information: Mtg ID: 923 023 2464, Password: ubc
Paul will also preach in worship.
Sunday Name Tag Project

Get to know new and unfamiliar faces on Sundays by picking up a name tag as you enter the worship space. The name tags will be in the Narthex center table. Write your name and answer each week’s conversation starter question.
Submit Any Prayer Requests and Personal Needs
Church of the Nations Members - Please submit any prayer requests or personal needs by clicking the image above or by emailing Eric at eric@ubc-br.org.
Spiritual Formation Series

Please bring your children to join us for our current Spiritual Formation Series, “Seeking Justice Together.” The series is led by Rev. Tanya Parks and takes place in the Children’s Branch during Sunday school.
Youth Sunday School Schedule
For more information, contact Eric at eric@ubc-br.org or visit www.ubc-br.org/youth
Save The Dates
Update from the Facilities Team
Click the image above for a message from the facilities team regarding the big projects taking place on campus.
How To Give
Mask Policy Update
UBC once again recommends both vaccinated and unvaccinated participants wear a mask while indoors on campus.
We invite you to sign up to provide a care package for one of these 41 staff members. The care package should include candy, a $6 gift card to Lighthouse Coffee or CC’s, a small hand sanitizer bottle, lip balm, and something fun of your choosing.
We want to equip you to be the hands and feet of Jesus by pouring time, care, and attention into making one of these packages. This is why we are asking you to prepare the packages versus donating to the project.
Once you have purchased the items, drop by the church office to fill one of the official package bags, and write a personal note to put on the finishing touch. The office will be open on Sundays 9-11:30 am, and Monday through Thursday, 9 am-4:30 pm.
