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2019 Mission Immersions Exploratory Meeting

Mission immersion (also known as mission trips) are intended to create an intentional time to learn from the work of others, serve those who are serving others, and meet needs in a unique situation.

Building upon UBC’s rich history of serving in the local community, we want to invite you to prayerfully consider engaging in a church-wide mission immersion experience in 2019.

For some, when you read this, your immediate mind runs to all the questions and anxieties of going, such as:

I might be too old for this.

I’ve got kids! What am I supposed to do with them?

I’m not qualified for that.

There is already so much work to do around here. Why would we go somewhere else?

What’s this going to cost?

I can’t use my vacation time to go off to do work.

I’ve never gone on a mission trip before. I have no idea what to expect.

As we are exploring both domestic and international opportunities for UBC in 2019, we have created an intentional meeting to discuss your questions and alleviate your anxieties. Make plans to join the Mission Immersions Exploratory Meeting on October 7 at 4:00pm.

If you are able, stay after the meeting to help with this month’s Super Heroes of Kindness.

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