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SGI: You Bring Inherent Value

Updated: Nov 21, 2019

The English novelist Graham Greene wrote, “A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead.”

As we continue in this process of the Strategic Growth Initiative, we must recognize that this is not a static moment in the history of University Baptist Church. In fact, this process is a product of the stories that have transpired before and will carry on after – it is a seamless narrative of God’s work through UBC.

You might be tired of hearing or reading about it. I think I’ve personally written nearly 15,000 words.

However, what we are attempting to do through this process is expand our capacity to connect more people to the marvelous Gospel through the life and work of University Baptist Church.

The SGI is a discernment process, not intended to get bogged down with policies, procedures, and committees to the point that a conversation cannot even begin until at least 6-months after the conception of the idea. This process is about substance over form, fluidity over bureaucracy, organic over mechanical, and spiritual over administrative.

The SGI is an invitation into an extraordinary conversation about who we are, why we do what we do, and how we might experience exponential growth. Conversations will lead to brainstorming, testing of ideas, discernment of God’s leadership, and maneuvering to step into new practices.

This process cannot function without you. Yes, you the actual person painfully reading this article.

You matter to the process because the church is not composed of brick and mortar, pastors and committees. The church is the living, breathing, and active participants in a faith journey together.

You bring an inherent value to this process because no one else has experienced UBC, faith, and life in the way that you have. Your age, demographic, station in life, and perspectives broaden and deepen the conversation to help us better introduce people to UBC and to Christ.

So I invite you to be active participant in the making of this story. Bring your voice. Bring your ears. Bring your wisdom. Bring your heart and soul. Bring your passion to see UBC grow.

As the great Meister Eckhart put it, “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” Today is a new opportunity to see UBC thrive.


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