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Fall Gathering, October 27

Updated: Oct 21, 2019

UBC’s October 27th Fall Gathering is an intergenerational experience of community. The Gathering is designed to give all age groups a space for fun and conversations.

This free Gathering is for UBC, our friends, and the community. Spread the news via word of mouth, sharing UBC’s social media posts, direct links to the event page on the website, and sharing the official Fall Gathering postcards found in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall.

4:00 pm Games and Hayride

The event will kick off at 4:00 pm on the front lawn and parking lot with various games and activities for children.

To participate in the event, each person, whether church member or guest, must register at the Welcome Table and receive a wristband.

5:00 pm Chili Cook-Off and Dinner

At 5:00 pm, the chili cook-off contest will start. The chili will be provided by contestants, along with a hot-dog and veggie station. This is a free meal, but donations are accepted.

Cookers can enter the contest for $30 with a chance to win a cash prize (30% of entry fees), the people’s choice award, and the coveted golden ladle.

Chili contestants must register by Thursday, October 24th by calling the office or registering online here: [CLICK HERE}

Gathering participants can cast a vote for the People’s Choice Chili by donating $2 per vote or $5 for three votes.

5:45 pm Costume Contest (Adults Only)

At 5:45 pm, we will transition into a costume contest for adults. That means you are double-dog dared to dress up. The contest will give out prizes for the following categories: Best Homemade, Best Group (5 people or less), Most Unique, and Funniest. The contest is for adults only!

6:00 pm Trunk or Treat

The evening will wrap up with a Trunk or Treat at 6:00 pm.

Parking will be limited in the front due to the blocking off portions of the lot for activities. Members are encouraged to park in the back parking lot.

Volunteer and Chili Contestant Information

To make this event a reality, we need volunteers for set-up, welcome table, parking lot attendees, chili cook-off vote managing, activities, and clean-up crew.

Enlist your Sunday Spiritual Formation class or ministry team to help run a game from 4:00-5:00 pm, arrive by 3:30 pm.

We need 15 cars for the Trunk or Treat, who will need to arrive by 3:30 pm since the parking lot will be blocked off for activities.

Please call the Office or sign up here by Thursday, October 24th:

in addition Welcome Table [2], Meal Team [4], Parking Lot Attendees [2], Chili Cook-Off Vote Manager (handle purchasing of votes), Set-up Crew [8], Clean-Up Crew [8], please see Deb for volunteers needed for activities. The Welcome Table, Parking Lot Attendees, Trunk or Treat Cars, and Activity Leaders must arrive by 3:30 pm. Set-up crew must arrive by 2:45 pm. Clean-up crew must arrive by 6:00 pm. Chili Cook-Off Vote Manager and Meal Team must arrive by 4:15 pm

Chili Contestants must arrive at UBC by 4:30 pm. Please bring: one crock-pot of your chili creation, serving spoon (one small and one large), side items that spruce up your chili, $30 cash (no change available), drop cord and strip cord/surge protector.


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