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Season of Lent

The great fourth century archbishop John Chrysostom writes, “No act of virtue can be great if it is not followed by advantage for others. So, no matter how much time you spend fasting, no matter how much you sleep on a hard floor and eat ashes and sigh continually, if you do no good to others, you do nothing great.”

We are quickly approaching the Season of Lent. Traditionally, this forty-day period follows Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and the cross. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (March 6), inviting participants into reflection and sacrifice, and ends with Good Friday (April 18).

Various Christian traditions follow varying levels of participation in this tradition. Some invite participants to give up or abstain from doing something for the forty-day period, such as eating meat.

While we invite you to engage in the spiritual discipline of fasting as you feel led, we will be following the Lenten season on Sundays through a Lenten focus. Each Sunday, there will be an object on the worship table, representing a key story of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem. Our worship gatherings will be kicked off with a focus reading about the object and a time of prayer.

We will host a brief and meaningful Ash Wednesday service at 12:00 PM on Wednesday, March 6 in the chapel. Participants are invited to begin the season of Lent by fasting for lunch, meditating and praying, and receiving ashes.


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