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The Pane: Next Steps with a Holy Imagination

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

The great Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to transformation."


A few weeks back, we wrapped up our The Little-Big Things series, looking at the importance of holy imagination for our capacity to thrive.


We explored how easy and natural it is to live into anxiety, fear, and apprehension when faced with an unknown and uncertain future. So often, without meaning to, we get so caught up in the tension of the moment that we fail to see God at work right in front of us.


God is here with us, present as we face these challenging emotions and thought processes. God is here to fill us with hope and courage to face what is next. God is with us to lead us into an uncertain future.

What this moment requires of us is the faith to believe beyond what we can see and imagine. Holy imagination requires we open our lives to God’s wondrous possibilities and then do something about it.


As part of our worship conversation, we asked you to write on sticky notes and post on the live-stream the imaginative ways God is calling you and UBC in faith. Here are some of the responses from UBC members:

  • Volunteering to help grow UBC

  • Generosity to serve other

  • Find new ways to share the Gospel 

  • Consistently pray for others in our church and community 

  • Supporting the work of the Family Tree Café that’s seeing more and more new faces each week 

  • Opening my home to share meals, tear down walls, and build relationships

  • Care for our homebound members 

  • Supporting the work of Open Air Ministry 

  • Discern new ways to serve the needs of our community 

  • Be a catalyst for intergenerational relationships

  • Open my life to God working through me

  • To nurture my relationship with my Barnabas Project partner 

  • To serve in new capacities at UBC 

  • To commit to praying for new, creative, and unexpected possibilities 

  • Support opportunities for relationships to strengthen at UBC 

  • Expand the Soccer Academy to care for the players and parents 

  • Be an active participant in bringing equality to our community 

For all these things and more, we give thanks to God for God’s inspiration.


As God is inspiring you, I want to be a support system for you. So reach out to me, and let’s explore how God can use you through UBC.


Do we have the Holy Imagination to see and understand how God leads us? Will we have the faith required to do something about it?


Will we step into the moment, individually and collectively, to allow the Spirit of God to do something remarkable in our lives and through our Church?


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