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The Window: November 24, 2022


Happy Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving Holiday Closure


December Happenings at UBC!


A Christmas Gift for Staff



Volunteer as a Reading Friend!

Our ongoing partnership with Highland Elementary

is a unique and special relationship!

We are looking for volunteers willing to share time as a Reading Friend.

For 30-45 minutes each week, you can invest in the life of an elementary-aged student by reading with them. Organized through Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS), this established program has made a difference in the lives of students all over the city-parish... simply by spending intentional time sitting with a child to encourage and read together.

Can you be a Reading Friend?

Contact the church office and we'll help you get started!



Upcoming Events

Spiritual Formation

Children ages Kindergarten to fifth grade - come join us during Spiritual Formation hour for a time of learning and fun. We will be studying the story of the Israelites and learning about how their story might connect to ours.

We hope you will join us!




Please contact for more information.



New Advent Spiritual Formation Group -

The Kingdom of God, Empire, and Christian Nationalism

Beginning: December 5, 2022

What do Advent and Christian Nationalism have to do with each other? Well, in our view, not a whole lot. And that is the point. Advent is a time when we reflect on Christ coming into the world, the Kingdom of God, and what this means for us. Some would say that Christians need to gain political power to bring about God’s Kingdom. We believe in another way.

In the first week of December we will gather to explore what Christian Nationalism is, how it’s a distortion of the Gospel, and most importantly, what we can do to provide an alternative to those around us. Hint:

it has a lot less to do with power, and a lot more to do with love.

2022-2023 Spiritual Formation Offerings

In addition to your Sunday school class, we are offering several seasonal groups for spiritual formation and discussion at UBC this year. Our first group, Faith After Doubt, kicks off on September 13, but plan to join us for these others as well!

  • Faith After Doubt - Tuesdays starting on September 13th.

  • The Kingdom of God, Empire, and Christian Nationalism - 4-week Advent series.

  • Prayer in a Busy World - 6-week Lenten series.

  • Optional Combined Sunday School (TBD) - 8-weeks in the summer, led by the ministry staff.

If you have questions or are interested in any of these groups,

send an email to Eric at, or call the church office at (225) 766-9474.



Finance Committee



Service will be held in the CHAPEL

Contact for more information



Nativities for Around the World

Highland Elementary: Book Wrapping

Sunday, December 4th

Outdoor Movie & Live Nativity

Friday, December 9th

Combined Worship: Broadmoor Baptist Church

Sunday, December 18th

On Sunday, December 18 we have a unique opportunity - UBC will join with Broadmoor Baptist Church for a combined Christmas worship experience. We'll begin with a potluck brunch and joint Sunday School session.

Then in worship, an orchestra will join the combined musicians from both churches in presenting a service of Christmas songs and readings.

All activities that morning will take place at Broadmoor Baptist Church

(9755 Goodwood Blvd). Look for more details in the coming weeks in regards to specific times, brunch items, and carpooling ideas. In the meantime,

spread the word and invite others to come experience this unique event!

Donations: Prison Ministry

Save the Date:

UBC's 75th Anniversary

Please save the date for UBC’s 75th Anniversary!

Please extend this invitation to past members

or anyone whom you feel would like to celebrate this wonderful occasion.

For more information,

please contact Jon Parks at




Palacios House of Arts


Volunteer with UBC

As UBC grows we need your help and support! Consider one of the many volunteer options above to lend your time and leadership back into UBC!

We are so appreciative of our volunteers!


How To Give


Prayer Web


Keep in Your Prayers



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