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The Window: September 7, 2023


We want to say "thank you"

for such a wonderful couple of weeks at UBC!

Thank you for coming to our joint time of worship and fellowship with our brothers and sisters from Greater Mount Olive. It was uplifting in so many ways! Thanks to our musicians who worked to bring life to the worship time, to our deacons who helped serve and usher, and to so many of you who came to be a part. It might have been a little bit out of our comfort zone, but it was a great experience - we grow most in the times that stretch us.

Thank you to our Church of the Nations and International Ministries volunteers for a great start to this new season! We had a huge turnout for the Fall Kickoff event on Friday August 25, and good attendance at English Conversation and other activities in the past two weeks. Many of you have mentioned a desire to return to student ministry... it's happening already with a strong focus on international students, who are often isolated and overlooked in the community.

Thank you for your outpouring of love for Justin Langford, our outgoing Minister of Worship, Youth and Community. We will miss him for sure - but he leaves behind the many gifts and relationships he cultivated in his time among us! Fall is a busy season for all of us! Please make time for our Spiritual Formation groups (Sunday School and other mid-week groups) so you can learn and recharge with your brothers and sisters on the journey.

Finally, a word about our new series for worship and preaching this fall - Upstaged is a series from the stories of the Old Testament... but we're looking at them from a different angle. You've heard lots of sermons about Abraham... but what about Hagar the Slave? You've heard plenty about Joshua and the battle of Jericho... but what about Rahab the prostitute? We may have seen them as "supporting characters" in the story, but it turns out we have a lot to learn from these women (and men) whose stories aren't always so prominent. Join us on this fall to learn more!


Retirees' Luncheon


Young Adults Night Out!


Family Tree Cafe - Grand Re-Opening!

On Tuesday, September 19th, we will host a small gathering for our FTC families.

The event is open to all UBC members, families with young children, and anyone trying to escape the heat. From 9:00 to 10:00 a.m., the space will be open for free play. Children can burn off steam through our fun play center and inflatables.

From 10:00 to 11:45 a.m., families can participate in small table crafts and enjoy delectable treats. If you know of any families that may benefit from this event, feel free to spread the word as we wish to increase the visibility of FTC.


Teacher Appreciation!


One of the goals of our ministry to Highland Elementary School is to encourage and show the faculty and staff that we appreciate their dedication to

educating the children who attend Highland.

At the beginning of each school year we like to give a small “Welcome Back to School” gift bag to each faculty and staff member. This year we have purchased a small gift to include in each bag and we need help from YOU to complete the bags with a $20 gift card from any business of your choice. It could be to a coffee house, a sandwich shop, a

car wash, a gift shop, Walmart, etc.

The choice is yours. Would you please consider purchasing one or more $20 gift cards and bringing them to the church office by September 10th? We need 45 gift cards. Thank you for your generosity, and know that these expressions of encouragement are appreciated and enjoyed by Highland’s faculty and staff members!



Together For Hope!

Email Jon for more information,

Women's Bible Study!


Fall Gathering!


Now Open: Family Tree Café


Fall Soccer Academy

Sign up to volunteer here:


Youth Group

If you have questions, email Eric at


Prayer Web


Technical Volunteers Needed

You may not realize it, but a lot of work goes on behind the scenes each week to make worship happen! We are looking for volunteers who can offer at least one Sunday morning each week to help with the technical aspects of worship, including:

• Running the audio board

• Overseeing the slides for worship songs, responses, etc

• Panning and focusing the camera as necessary

• Helping oversee and troubleshoot the worship streaming to YouTube

No special skills or experience are necessary - we'll teach you everything

you need to know! We'd like to start a rotation schedule in

August that will help us know how to plan for Sundays.


Disaster Recovery and Response

Disaster Response and Recovery - Are you interested in being part of our congregation's assistance in responding and recovering from disasters? Here are two opportunities:

• We are developing a partnership with the community of Rolling Fork, MS as they are still in recovery from recent tornadoes. We'd like to take a trip there this fall to help - no specific date yet, we can set dates depending on our schedules.

• We are also recruiting members who are interested in general response to an event - whether something happens on our campus, or in the community. This can include physical help with cleanup, working at shelters, distribution and/or feeding stations, or offering general assistance to those affected. Many different trainings are available depending on your interest!



Ping-Pong, Pizza & Places


International Bible Study

Now is a great time to come to International Bible Study! This group is open to anyone who wants to understand the Bible better, whether you are a lifelong Christian, a new Christian, or have never read the Bible before! We welcome anyone, and there is no commitment to come! If you have questions, email Eric at


How To Give



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