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The Window: September 9, 2021

The Pane: The Family Tree Café Grand Reopening, October 4th

The Family Tree Café began in 2017, birthed out of the creative desire of Deb McElgin to create a safe and accessible space for families with young children to gather for play and community. With the support of the Governing Board, small indoor play equipment and toys were purchase, and the Café opened two days per week for two hours. In September 2018, the Café expanded by adding days and hours, boosting its marketing approach, and recruiting volunteer participation. In its expansion, the Café has seen countless children, parents, and caregivers play, build new relationships, and make connections to UBC. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the closure of the Café in March of 2020, creating a strain on its potential in the proceeding months. As we continue to step forward into this new normal, may we turn our attention to the fantastic potential of the Family Tree Café. Within a square mile of the church, older homes are being flipped by young families, new businesses are popping up, and thousands are being built. At our doorstep are hundreds, if not thousands, of neighbors we have the chance to connect with and love through the Café. Over the last several months, members of the ministry staff have been working on a reboot of the Family Tree Café, set to launch on October 3.

For starters, patrons will enter into a new welcome area, with a coffee and registration station, along with a lounge area. While we offer this space for free, the registration process will allow participants to donate to the excellent work of UBC. Additionally, patrons will have the opportunity to enjoy good coffee and great snacks around kid-friendly tables. The play area of the Café has gone through a redesign, centralizing around two small inflatable playsets, a slide, and two play stations. The reduction of content in the play space allows the Fellowship Hall to be a more versatile space, decreasing the number of items needed for storage and opening up a new room for Spiritual Formation and Sunday School classes. As the Café reopens on October 3, we hope you will collaborate with us in two ways. First, we hope you will spread the word about the grand reopening via conversations, texts, and social media shares with people who have children from birth to five years old. Second, we hope you will consider sharing some of your time by volunteering to be present in the Café, helping guests check-in and engage in meaningful connections. Sign up to volunteer at The Family Tree Café reopens on October 3, Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Learn more at

Disaster Relief Item Collection

We are collecting items for disaster relief efforts in Houma. If you are able to bring any of the following items to the church office. For information on what to bring, click on the image above.


Ecuador Mission Immersion

Thank you for your interest in the 2022 Ecuador Mission Immersion.

Click on the image above for more information.


We Need Your Help as Our Church Grows

As out church continues to grow, we need your help. Consider volunteering for one of the above.


Young Adults Night Out

Join our Young Adults Night Out on the third Friday, 5:30-8:00 pm. This month, we will meet on September 17th.

For more information and to register, click on the image above.

Retirees Luncheon

Bring your lunch. The church will provide drinks and desserts.

Everyone retired or over 60 is invited to join us for a time of socially distanced fun and games!

Grand Re-Opening of the Family Tree Café

After months of closure, the Family Tree Café will reopen on October 3rd with a creative redesign. The look and feel of the Café have dramatically changed with the same goal of connecting with parents/caregivers and young children through play, coffee, and community. Spread the word to those who have children ages birth to five years old. The Café is open Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Learn more at

Fall Registration for Palacios House of Arts’ Tiny Tots Class is Now Open!

Palacios is a space partner with UBC, utilizing the second floor of the education building 10 hours per week.

For more information, contact Palacios House of Arts at either (813)454-2127 or (225)279-6666, or visit


Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday, September 12th

For more information, click on the image above.

UBC Hosts CBF’s Executive Coordinator Paul Baxley on September 19

UBC will host the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Executive Coordinator, Rev. Dr. Paul Baxley, on September 19th.

We invite you and your Spiritual Formation/Sunday School class to join a special session with Paul at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall and also via Zoom.

Zoom Information: Mtg ID: 923 023 2464, Password: ubc

Paul will also preach in worship.

Spiritual Formation and Sunday School Leader Summit, September 12

If you serve as a Spiritual Formation and Sunday School leader for any age group, we are hosting a summit on Sunday, September 12 following worship with lunch. More information is forthcoming.

Sunday Name Tag Project

Get to know new and unfamiliar faces on Sundays by picking up a name tag as you enter the worship space. The name tags will be in the Narthex center table. Write your name and answer each week’s conversation starter question.


Submit Any Prayer Requests and Personal Needs

Church of the Nations Members - Please submit any prayer requests or personal needs by clicking the image above or by emailing Eric at


Spiritual Formation Series

Please bring your children to join us for our current Spiritual Formation Series, “Seeking Justice Together.” The series is led by Rev. Tanya Parks and takes place in the Children’s Branch during Sunday school.


Youth Sunday School Schedule

For more information, contact Eric at or visit


Save The Dates

Update from the Facilities Team

Click the image above for a message from the facilities team regarding the big projects taking place on campus.

How To Give


Mask Policy Update

UBC once again recommends both vaccinated and unvaccinated participants wear a mask while indoors on campus.

We invite you to sign up to provide a care package for one of these 41 staff members. The care package should include candy, a $6 gift card to Lighthouse Coffee or CC’s, a small hand sanitizer bottle, lip balm, and something fun of your choosing.

We want to equip you to be the hands and feet of Jesus by pouring time, care, and attention into making one of these packages. This is why we are asking you to prepare the packages versus donating to the project.

Once you have purchased the items, drop by the church office to fill one of the official package bags, and write a personal note to put on the finishing touch. The office will be open on Sundays 9-11:30 am, and Monday through Thursday, 9 am-4:30 pm.


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