As a way to serve locally, we are doing UBC Life Packs. These packs will contain basic hygiene and food items for members to keep in their car and give to those in need.
We will be collecting the following items over the next few weeks. The items can be dropped of on Sundays in bins in the marked or to the office during the week.
Tooth Brush & Paste, Pocket Size Tissues, Bar Soap, Wash Clothes, Gender Neutral Deodorant, Hand Sanitizer, Comb, Hand Warmers, Pop-top cans (meats, veggies, fruits & soups).
We will host a packing party on December 23 for interested participants. Completed packs will be available for members to take and keep in their cars.
To ensure that all items are covered, please signup to bring a particular item here: http://bit.ly/2Aufswz or call the office.