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The Window: July 6, 2023


Interfaith Sounds of Community Concert:

This Sunday July 9!

This Sunday, July 9, the Interfaith Federation will hold its annual Sounds of Community Concert - in-person for the first time since the pandemic. The UBC choir will join performers from other congregations across the city in a program filled of diverse music and dance.

The program will be held at the Baton Rouge Stake Center at 10335 Highland Road, beginning at 4:00 pm.  The concert is free and no tickets are required - come join us and be inspired as we hear the sounds of our community!


Sermon on the Mount Combined Series:

Back this Sunday July 9!

Join us this Sunday July 9 as we continue our combined

Sunday School series on the Sermon on the Mount!




MDO: We're Hiring!


Save the Dates


Fall Soccer Academy:

Early Registration OPEN!

To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below!


Kids: Summer Events

Kids' Club - July 6 & 20:

YANO - July 21:


UBC Kids' Club: JULY

Kids ages 2-11 come join us this summer for Kids' Club.

We'll have games, singing, crafts, a Bible story, and plenty of time for FUN!

Please sign up in advance so we can prepare for you. Each child is $5 per session.

First and third Thursday evenings in June and July from 5-7:30 pm.

To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below!


UBC Kids' Club: Volunteers Needed

To Sign up to volunteer; scan the QR code above or click the link below!


Palacios House of Arts:

Summer Camp 2023!


Youth Summer Trip: July 9-14


Retirees' Luncheon


Young Adults Night Out

To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below!


Summer Gathering: JULY 23rd

To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below!


Family Night Out: July 25


Youth: Save The Date! Escape Room Outing!

To Sign up; scan the QR code above or click the link below!



International Bible Study

Now is a great time to come to International Bible Study!

This group is open to anyone who wants to understand the Bible better, whether you are a lifelong Christian, a new Christian, or have never read the Bible before! We welcome anyone, and there is no commitment to come!

If you have questions, email Eric at



Combined Worship will be held in the SANCTUARY.


Kindness Bags!

We have kindness bags ready at the church – please pick up a few to carry with you,

and give them as you see someone who might need one!




Palacios House of Arts


How To Give


Prayer Web



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