Directed Thankfulness
Most of you can probably recite the history of Thanksgiving in our nation. First celebrated by colonists at Plymouth in 1621, Thanksgiving been observed on and
off through our nation's history, finally becoming an established event in 1863
by President Lincoln. Since then, it's become such a part of our annual calendar that
we may take it for granted.
Truth be told, we shouldn't need this kind of holiday. We shouldn't need a reminder to be thankful, since we're daily surrounded by so many reasons to give thanks. But we're human beings, after all, and we tend to forget all those reasons... especially in the midst of turmoil, disaster and unrest that we've seen in our world in 2023.
I probably don't need to remind you to give thanks - you're probably doing a lot of blessing-counting today! But I encourage you to try giving your thankfulness a direction. We call this day "Thanks-Giving," but it often becomes more about "Thanks-Feeling." We can feel gratitude, but what might it look like to point it in a certain direction?
Rather than simply saying, "I'm thankful for the things I have," take a moment to
really thank God for those things. Name the specific things, recognize that they are
gifts from God, and tell God "thanks!" Don't just let that gratitude swirl around
nside you - point it in a direction!
And instead of just saying, "I'm thankful for this person," take some time to be specific. Call a friend just to thank them for their care for you. Call your coworkers to thank
them for bringing joy to your workplace. Thank your partner for just being who they
are. Thank your children for the help they're going to give you washing up the
dishes after the big meal!
Savor this day - enjoy the meals and the togetherness! And let this be an actual day of thanks-giving, rather than just thanks-feeling. Express your gratitude to God and to others, and see what a difference it can make.
Together We Build

Upcoming December Events 2023

A Christmas Gift for Staff!

Decorating PARTY!

CoN - December Schedule

Parents' Day Out
December 2, 2023

To register; scan the QR Code or click the link below:
Spiritual Formation - Advent

There will be NO youth group this Sunday, November 26.
But check out the December calendar of events below!
December Schedule

If you have any questions, email Eric at eric@ubc-br.org.
Retirees Out on the Town

Live Nativity & Outdoor Movie
December 8, 2023

Highland - Christmas Book Wrapping

*Please bring your own wrapping paper, tape and scissors.
Outreach - Christmas Cards

If you do not have a Spiritual Formation class, we would love
for you to join us every Sunday from 9 am to 10 am.
If you have any questions, email Eric at eric@ubc-br.org.
Worship will be held in the CHAPEL.


Now is a great time to come to International Bible Study! This group is open to anyone who wants to understand the Bible better, whether you are a lifelong Christian, a new Christian, or have never read the Bible before! We welcome anyone, and there is no commitment to come! If you have questions, email Eric at eric@ubc-br.org.
Family Tree Café

Thanksgiving Office Closure


How To Give
