Governing Board Nominations Form

Congratulations to Ly!

Keep in Your Prayers

Fall Soccer Academy: Starts September 17th

Ready for Soccer Academy? Our first Saturday of Academy is September 17th at 9AM! Don’t forget if you’ve signed up your kids! Please arrive early for first day uniform distribution and name tags. See you there!
Fall Soccer Academy: Volunteers Needed!

Retirees' Luncheon: September 14th

Young Adults Night Out: September 16th

InterFaith Federation: Annual CommUNITY Prayer Breakfast

Tickets for the InterFaith Federation’s Annual CommUNITY Prayer Breakfast can be found at the UBC office. Stop by today to pick yours up! Located at 3112 Convention St. Baton Rouge, La 70806
Welcome Back to MDO: Fall 2022!

This Tuesday we welcome our MDO children and families back on campus! Please be in prayer for the teachers and students. Pray for health, safety, and great times of learning and growing!
Women's Bible Study: October 4th

Join us for our New Women’s Bible Study starting Tuesday Morning, October 4th beginning at 9:30am in the Chapel. This group will be held October 4th through November 15th. We will be studying, How Much More by Lisa Harper.
We hope you’ll join us for our Women’s Bible Study Group!
NOOMA Video Series: Held in the Chapel

NOOMA is a video series produced by Flannel that "blends everyday events with discussion about God.”
The name NOOMA comes from a phonetic spelling of the
Greek word pneuma, meaning "wind or spirit". The video series was created featuring Christian teacher Rob Bell.
There will be coffee and pastries in the Brides Room as well.
Prayer Requests
Video (approximately 10 minutes)
Closing prayer
Faith After Doubt: A New Spiritual Formation Group

New spiritual formation group on Tuesdays from 7pm-8:30pm starting on September 13!
Do you have questions about faith, God, or church? Have you felt at times like the faith you grew up with doesn't quite work for you anymore? This is a perfect group for you! Using Brian McLaren's book "Faith After Doubt" as a guide, we will embark on an 8-week discussion series together led by Jon Parks and Eric Fulcher.
You do not need to read the book to participate! But if you want to follow along, bring your copy with you!
2022-2023 Spiritual Formation Offerings

In addition to your Sunday school class, we are offering several seasonal groups for spiritual formation and discussion at UBC this year. Our first group, Faith After Doubt, kicks off on September 13, but plan to join us for these others as well!
Faith After Doubt - Tuesdays starting on September 13
The Kingdom of God, Empire, and Christian Nationalism - 4-week Advent series
Prayer in a Busy World - 6-week Lenten series
Optional Combined Sunday School (TBD) - 8-weeks in the summer, led by the ministry staff
If you have questions or are interested in any of these groups, send an email to Eric at eric@ubc-br.org, or call the church office at (225) 766-9474.
A New Spiritual Formation Group

It's back to school time and we are doing bags for faculty and staff at Highland Elementary.
We provide the bags while you volunteer to purchase the items!
Items needed are:
hand sanitizer
2 snacks - candy, cookies, chips, crackers, etc.
post-it notes
$10 gift card to WalMart, Target, etc.
The bags will be in the office ready to be filled on Sunday, August 21.
Please bring your items to the church and fill a bag or two by September 18.
Car Donation Search

Help a new friend of UBC by donating a car that can comfortably and safely transport an infant! Call or contact the church office at 225-766-9474
Palacios Fall Registration

Volunteer with UBC

As UBC grows we need your help and support! Consider one of the many volunteer options above to lend your time and leadership back into UBC! We are so appreciative of our volunteers!
Choir Practice has Returned

Combined Worship in the Sanctuary

Contact eric@ubc-br.org for more information.

Save The Dates
